Oak Bay Acres
Welcome to
World & National Champion Miniature Horses

elcome to OAK BAY ACRES .... Updated 1/3/2025
Oak Bay Acres was founded in 1973 in Oak Harbor, Washington. Starting out as a Morgan breeding farm, we moved on to include Arabians, Pintos, National Show Horses, and in 1985 we were blessed to acquire our first miniature horse. Lil Bit of Trouble was a black gelding sired by a miniature stallion out of a pony mare that our vet traded us for a six pack of beer. He was a horse ahead of his time. We hardshipped him into AMHA and he was shown throughout the West. He passed away a few years ago, but will always be remembered as our beginning in this adventure.
Our miniature horse breeding program is founded on our incredible stallion, Oak Bay Salsamio. Salsa was one of the first mini/Shetland blends to sire multiple World and National champion foals. His get can be found all over the World and in many breeding programs. We continue to add exciting bloodlines to our small herd, and are committed to producing AMHA horses that will improve the breed and become treasured by those who know and love them.